Secure Project Funding
Funding is often the primary obstacle to completing your flood-relief project. By seeking FEMA funding first, you will have everything you need to apply for local grants too. Then you can apply for local, county, or state grants for the non-federal cost share.
Assess FEMA Funding Eligibility
A wide range of flood-relief projects are eligible for FEMA funding. To qualify for funding, the following criteria must be met:
The community must be covered under a current FEMA-approved Hazard Mitigation Plan,
The project must reduce damage to property, and
The project benefits must outweigh the costs.
With my guidance and expertise, we can increase your chances of securing the funding you need for your flood relief project.
Let's work together to make a positive impact in your community.

Explore Typical FEMA Funded Projects
Historically, FEMA funding was used when a river overtopped its banks, resulting in severely damaged buildings in the floodplain. Typical projects were demolishing or elevating damaged buildings.
Demolitions and elevations are still eligible project types, but now FEMA also funds stormwater management projects such as installing storm sewers and constructing detention ponds to protect areas that flood (including areas outside the regulatory floodplain).
Mitigate Hazards
Before submitting for a FEMA mitigation grant, you will need to confirm your community has adopted a FEMA-approved mitigation plan and if that plan is current (no more than 5 years old). Mitigation plans:
identify the natural hazards that impact your community,
determine actions to reduce damages from those hazards, and
establish an implementation process.
Ideally, the projects you submit for FEMA funding will be described in your mitigation plan. If your community participates in FEMA’s CRS Program, you can receive additional credit for a qualifying mitigation plan.
Together, we can ensure that your community is eligible for FEMA funding and takes proactive steps towards reducing risks from natural hazards.
FEMA's Community Rating System (CRS) Program serves as a rewarding mechanism for communities that go above and beyond the minimum National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) requirements.
Property owners receive reduced flood insurance premiums based on the community's efforts above the baseline NFIP requirements .
Adopt Higher Standards
Ordinances are often overlooked as a flood mitigation measure. Stormwater management regulations give you the legal authority to regulate excess runoff from new development. These ordinances play a pivotal role in minimizing potential flood damages, safeguarding individuals, and enhancing water quality.
In my role as a FEMA CRS Program Instructor and Technical Reviewer, I evaluate stormwater management ordinances for 1,200 communities nationwide. If your community does not participate in the CRS Program, I can leverage my experience writing and reviewing ordinance language to help you regulate excess stormwater runoff in your community.